Thursday, December 4, 2008

Why ask why?

Why should the Federal government be any different than our states?
Because they are sucking the life out of our country with their lack of concern for the common man while only catering to the Corporate fat cats.
The system is broke and they continue swaying the back of the little people trying to fix it and it has become quite obvious that that possibility just ain't going to happen!
If we don't have viable state economies than really what is the need to have a Federal government? And if the money you can earn isn't worth a dime then what is the actual point in saving that dollar.
It's time to cry Uncle and I don't mean Sam!

That question in itself should actually be addressed by every country in the world.
Just what has your government done for you lately besides make sure with all their
misguided logic that your country was bankrupt and placed you in the position of being a never ending indentured tax slave!

Unlike the federal government, which can run a deficit, most states are required to balance their budgets. In tough financial times, Medicaid often faces a double squeeze, said Diane Rowland, executive director of the nonprofit, nonpartisan Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured. Just as the money is drying up, more people are in need of assistance.

"When the economy is bad, the social service net demands grow," said Rendell, who is chairman of the governors association.