Wednesday, December 3, 2008

It's an I told you so kind of situation
Hank's ripped off the common man
Life must be hard on easy street
Since he's taking everything he can

What's the point in his purpose
He does it because he can
He doesn't care if it hurts us
He only looks out for the Wall Street clan

He's a traitor to out nation
And he's stealing from the poor
By passing on a plan
That was meant to gain some more

And damned if he hasn't done it
And how little he did with it to
By stealing from the future of us
He's padded the big banks pockets to

And now Congress wants to cry
Hey how we're we to know
When every economist told them why
Hank's plan was just for show

That there was no working calculation
That it could even save us man
And now he's sunk the nation
Just to save the Wall Street man