Friday, December 5, 2008

Obama nation disintegration

And in the beginning
We had a constitution you know
That said you must be born here
Before the highest job you could hold
And there was a cry from "The People"
That would have been heard across the land
If the Media had not squelched it
By the powers that have gotten out of hand
So before the Supreme Court
The issue does grow
The President elects legitimacy is at hand
Now will the Supreme Court have the balls to take command
And if the word is yes and his legitimacy is no
Then we will have riots and martial law so
The media has done us no favors
By keeping their mouth closed
Now the possibility of Bush as a keeper
To be the dictator grows
And the Chicago Tribune has thrown this right to the wind
For the unsettled air of retaliation to begin
Oh where oh where where they before the votes were laid down
Because now this issue seems unfair to the minorities found
But across the land this will set a precedent see
That any and all are legal for the presidency
Which is against the constitution
The original rules of our land
That a foreigner will never lead us
And that our sovereignty must stand!