Monday, December 29, 2008

My Dad was born in "27" and my Mom was born in "34" and they both had different tales of the era called the depression.
My Dad's family was quite well off so he never went without, but my Mom was a different story. All she ever had to eat was oatmeal and sauerkraut. She ate it everyday for years morning, noon and night. She hated it and I never knew her to ever eat either one again in my life time.
My Dad loved to eat both of them, I guess my Mom loved him enough to make them for him to, even though just the smell alone would make her gag if not out right vomit.
It was a great sacrifice she made for love, even though it touched upon her own miseries.
I often wondered if he understood that it caused her such pain from the memories
that those smell would induce.
I never asked, partially because if he didn't, I didn't want to be the one to make him realize that he had, and if he did, I didn't want to know because it would mean that he had been to selfish to care.