Monday, December 22, 2008

No Dick there is no excuse for crimes against humanity.
Just like there is no excuse for Condi's defense of raping women and torturing the children of those you held as political prisoners.
I don't call them terrorists Dick since most of them never did a damned thing except maybe voice opposition over your sadistic tendencies.
How many thousands were released Dick and why? Because they done nothing wrong, but that didn't keep you from destroying their lives and families by keeping them hostage, so that you could roll play a Nazi running a concentration camp.
My special hope for you Dick is that the World give you a belated Christmas present.
A special necktie Dick, slipped around your neck with a nice big knot!

In an interview one month before his eight-year term in office ends, Mr Cheney rejected accusations that the treatment of terror suspects amounted to torture and violated US law, saying the administration's policies helped prevent another terrorist strike on the country.