Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Oh wow
The vacuum showed a different way
I forget that game is always there to play
On the outside I just made it go away
When I first realized it was there to
I guess the men always knew it was there to view
I just ignored it and made them it to lol
I just showed them how to play a different way
It's probably different on an upscale view
Except we had upscale of the hierarchy to
Just a different design than I see from you
I don't view a person as a position
But I respect the work they do
But it doesn't have anything to do with my rendition
Of how or why I would treat you as I do
Money and class don't make you human
Nor can likability be a thing that's bought
It's the power of being able to put yourself in someones position
And the knowledge it brings to understand
That position can make a person overwrought
I forget that it's the competition that makes the heat
Because it's only with myself that I ever compete
Other than the fact of the cutting of the deal
And the winning or the lack and how it makes you feel