Friday, August 15, 2008

This is a do it yourself homework assignment.
NATO lies they did to know of a military build up because they were repeatedly told.
Is it a coincidence that all the violence began to rear up again while American forces were there playing war games? And the exploded into a full blown genocidal war by Saakachivili only days after?
What I'd like to really know was were Saakachivili was getting the 35 million US dollars that he offered the South Ossetian officials to bribe them with for a cease fire after Russia got involved.
American media you suck and so does the BBC and CNN you stink worst of all for outright propagating the lies of the Bush administration, the EU and NATO!
Not all of us have been dumbed down, some of us are actually capable enough in thought abilities that we can research for ourselves and call you out for the damned liars that you are!
And to think at one time I actually used to have respect for you people!
Well no more!
You have no idea of the meaning of journalistic integrity anymore.
Your just a bunch of brown nosing bastards to the Illuminate!
Wipe your nose man the shit is showing!