Friday, August 22, 2008

I was going to chill on the sight
But I can't after I ripped that view
Because it would give the wrong thought
Of why I left it to

So I'm going to make room for a hard think
Because apathy didn't want to take the roll
And I could have skinned someones ass
Two times today for a goal.

I did rip one write
And made it for a say
And the other one didn't take flight
Because blogger let it float away

When a sales pitch becomes a bitch
It's time to call it a day
I like my reads just right
With a density on the information say

Anybody can cook a poptart
For a warm up of a toaster say
But if your gonna sell a jack right
You better have the info to back the play

So you don't sell home made
When it came out of a box