Monday, August 25, 2008

I find some of it hard to relate to
Or maybe it's just for the chosen few
I view things from a different side
The long spots of what it all does do

The FDA made it easier for Pharma
That should help a traders view
Unless of course they get the drug of choice
And it does the damage that it wasn't supposed to do

And Dow paid for a pull off of the EPA
To cover up what's in the eggs you chew
So that's a little tidy profit saved
Coz you know what the reality of that truth would do

I think I view the journey a different way
Mine is always from a spiritual point of view
And that's not necessarily a traders play
Theirs is from a profitability view

I'm walking the road of tolerance
Which is a stretch of the imagination to
But I do find the Love there within
And I was quite pleased to see I still retained it to

Christmas will be different this year
Probably better than it's ever been to view
For most it won't be a retail type of year
And will all be the better for it to

This year it's going to be about the Love
And the importance in the message of it to
People will understand it's meaning of
That it can't be bought to view