Thursday, August 28, 2008

If you are foolish enough to take any of what I say as bearing any semblance of credibility, then you deserve to loose your money.

This is someones disclaimer
It seems to have become an acceptable motto
Who is to be believed anymore then
I find that to be such a bizarre statement
It sounds as though it should come from an amateur
And yet an amateur would never utter it
Because you would have no credibility as an amateur to warrant making it
If all you have is your word
Then what part of this person is to be believed at all
This all started because of Thor
He wrote a rebuttal
For lack of basic knowledge I really didn't understand the situation enough
But I do know that I place a great respect on Thor's credibility on the subject matter
And I can take him at his word without the question to the extent of it's honor
So I would believe the position that he represented to be a solid one
Because he's not an amateur but a professional and has sufficient understanding
of this same situation enough for me to take him at his word.
Then why is it that I can't bring myself to think this same thing about Hank or Ben
Shouldn't they have the same basic knowledge that Thor has if not more so for the positions that they hold
Thor makes no claim to be a prophet and yet when he states a future outcome it always ends up as he projected and he has the same set of variables to work with that Hank and Ben have from the onset.
It would seem if anything that Hank and Ben actually would have an advantage over Thor for their age of experience. I may be wrong but it is my personal opinion that they look to be in an older age bracket than Thor.
The why is it that the outcome of their projection is always wrong
The only conclusion that I can come to is that Thor is more qualified than they are to do their job. And if your that high up on the level of the ladder shouldn't you have be qualified to be up there
It's not just like an horse can just run in the derby, they have to be proven to be able to even attempt to qualify
This was just a thought to think that's bothering me.
And it's still bothering me for lack of being able to solve it