Friday, May 3, 2019

ICE Protesters Launch Secret Weapon: Giant Prop Brown Baby In Wooden Crib-Cage (VIDEO)

The really sad part is, these are the very same people that bitch about antivaxers
And yet they are willing to allow anybody and their brother in "OUR" backyard, whether they're sick or nor

Protesters in Portland have taken a break from the rioting for 2019’s installment of May Day, and have instead directed their rage toward I.C.E. They marched from the waterfront to the I.C.E. building in southwest Portland, chanting “ABOLISH ICE” and “NO ICE, NO KKK, NO FASCIST USA.” They then had a stand-off with “federal protective services” officers in riot gear. Meanwhile, Portland “police” were nowhere to be seen, except for the truck giving empty threats of possible arrest if the protesters didn’t clear the road.