Friday, May 3, 2019

Dr. Marc Siegel advises passengers aboard quarantined cruise ship not to panic: 'Look out on the ocean'

Yeah don't panic or worry about your job, or if you still have it, because we're locking you up for 3 weeks because you might have been exposed to the measles

cruise ship has been quarantined on the Caribbean island of St. Lucia due to a confirmed case of the measles, but NYU medical professor Dr. Marc Siegel said the best thing the passengers can do is keep their cool.
The quarantine of nearly 300 passengers aboard the ship has taken place among a nationwide outbreak of measles, as nearly 700 cases have been reported across the United States.
There has only been one case confirmed on the ship, named "Freewinds," but the disease is highly contagious and can spread quickly among those unvaccinated. The infected person aboard is reportedly in stable condition.