Saturday, May 4, 2019

MN Democrats Vote For Elementary School Pornography

It's imperative, that parents get involved in their children's schools, on a local, and State level.
Children deserve the innocence of childhood, not an indoctrination course, into the "how to" of sexual acts, of the adult world.
And once again it's the democrats promoting the idea

On Tuesday, April 23, 2019, Minnesota House Democrats voted in favor of including pornography and sexual perversions as part of the Minnesota House Education Omnibus Bill, HF2400.

The Minnesota Child Protection League (CPL) tried to warn parents and stakeholders to call their legislators to urge them to remove Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) from the 258-page House Education Omnibus bill HF2400 before it was debated on last Tuesday. Of course, the bill was debated two days after Easter Sunday, when parents were distracted and just getting the kiddos back to school after the holiday.

Planned Parenthood will provide the CSE curriculum for