Monday, September 29, 2008

We're watching Congress

The Governor of the state of South Carolina is now having to par back the government.
Our tax revenues are not there to sustain our system of governance.
Our school systems have already had to cut 4% from their budget and we are only 2 months into the new fiscal year!
Home owners make up those revenues that our local as well as State governance is run by.
If our Congressmen or representative vote for this bank bailout, than that's the first job cut our Governor should make to rid us of the pork that our State system can do without.
No State running a deficit right now should have any of their representatives voting for this bank bailout, rather than bailing out "The People".
If they do vote for the bailout all the State pensions and 401k's that were invested and then ripped off don't stand a chance of being regained!
The bailout ties the hands of the Judaical process to regain these monies.
No bailout for the banks!
Federal prosecution for the traitors!
For committing treason against their country by purposely devaluing the dollar!
The prime reason in it's self that the home owners are losing their homes
The dollar has lost 40% of it's buying power since 2003, these bankers knew exactly what they were doing!
And so does Hank Paulson: Bailing out his friends!
Stop the printing presses on the money!
It's making what we have worth less with every new bogus buck printed!