Tuesday, September 30, 2008

America is not nervous


The FDIC has already said it will have to take a loan from the Treasury!
We "The People" already know that the government and the corporate elite
have bankrupted this country!
Life was not meant to have to live on a loan so you bastards never have to work other than collect from your Usury!
We're not nervous you bastards!
You TREASONOUS asses are!

Congressional leaders, with advice from their parties' presidential nominees, scrambled Tuesday to find out what changes are needed to sell the failed $700 billion financial system bailout to rank-and-file members.

John McCain and Barack Obama offered long-distance help from the campaign trail. They announced separately that they support a plan that some House Republicans had pushed earlier: raising the federal deposit insurance limit from $100,000 to $250,000.

The aim of this change would be to reassure nervous Americans — and hence their elected representatives at the Capitol — that the legislation would shore up the faltering economy.

For his part, President Bush sought