Sunday, September 28, 2008

Are you programed
To the dogma of the way
Did you hear yourself
And what you would have to say
Your not sure of the push
Of what you would even say
Do just celebrate for a day off
Because it would look bad the other way

And then you would sacrifice the people
To the immorality of higher greed
What's up with that Cap
You do sit on the fence indeed
You built a monster of nothing
It's imagination of greed's full glare
Except that it's not really real
Because there was no foundation to make it there
It's usury
Something from nothing
And the FED makes the world work that way
Get off the fence Cap
Or you lose credibility of the play
Because in the real world
It's impossible to have it both ways
Which walk do you talk
Because I hear a forked tongue play
If your free market you know it should burn
Just like the houses have to be taken away