Saturday, September 27, 2008

McCain failure to lead!

McCain sold out to Paulsons plan!
He's in compliance to be bought by the Bankers!

WASHINGTON, DC -- In the wake of McCain's decision to express support for Wall Street's widely execrated $.7 trillion bailout in yesterday's presidential debate, questions are multiplying as to what in God's name the Arizona senator thinks he is doing. If he wants to choose victory, McCain has one clear shot left: condemn the bailout as the biggest earmark in world history, and the biggest piece of corrupt corporate welfare to ever come down the pike. The bailout is the mother of all pork, and it is dedicated exclusively to the needs of the sociopathic Wall Street parasites, the hyenas, jackals, lamprey, and raptors who have been busting unions, gouging wages, downsizing factories, demolishing the social safety net, driving up the price of oil, and outdoing each other over recent years in destroying American jobs in favor of runaway shops and sweatshops in the third world. If McCain were to oppose the bailout, he would enjoy the support of the two thirds of the American people who decisively oppose the stupid, criminal, and futile bailout monstrosity.

By opposing the bailout, McCain (or any other prominent politician) would emerge as a genuine national leader. Since Obama is a total creature of Wall Street, he will always be forced to support the demands of the financiers who are his owners. By attacking the bailout, McCain could pin Barky into the role of defending Bush, Paulson, Pelosi, Dodd, Frank, and the finance vultures, and with this McCain would probably win the election. If McCain supports the bailout, all his talk about "country first," mavericks, earmarks, reform, fighting corruption, corporate welfare, and so forth will be exposed as a hollow sham.

McCain's foolish behavior can perhaps be explained by looking at the machinations of the devious Treasury Secretary Hanky-Panky Paulson of Goldman Sachs, a member of the ruling principals' committee and Wall Street's point man in the biggest Treasury heist in history. Paulson was the prime mover in McCain's erratic behavior over the past week, most notably his ploy in suspending his campaign and coming back to Washington to join the bailout talks. It is now clear that McCain came back to Washington because he was invited to do so by Paulson. As veteran newscaster Bob Schieffer of CBS News has reported, " the way McCain got involved in this in the first place, the Treasury Secretary was briefing Republicans in the House yesterday, the Republican conference, asked how many were ready to support the bailout plan.