Sunday, September 28, 2008


At least I got a laugh out of this shit lol!
Securitized Housing Investment Trust

Once the 700 Billion Bailout Bill is passed a new public/private entity will be created. This new entity will be known as the Securitized Housing Investment Trust and will be referred to using the acronym SHIT. Once Paulson and the administration get their SHIT together, all of our financial problems will be behind us. In addition to purchasing illiquid mortgage assets, Detroit crack houses, abandoned FEMA trailers, and other real estate assets, the trust will also purchase porta potties. Paulson is quoted as saying: “ the porta potty acquisition is the crown jewel of our plan. As the US Dollar reaches parity with toilet paper, left over toilet paper in the porta potties could be a valuable asset. We expect a return of 100, 200 or even 1000% on the toilet paper asset alone relative to the US Dollar.”

Most analysts are in agreement, this will be the largest SHIT on the face of the planet.