Wednesday, April 23, 2008

When the relationship of love
Has started to young to understand the way
What has it done to love
When love reaches the age to say

Puppy love is a common term
For love thought before it's time
Grown only upon an urge
By the bodies growth of time

And puppies take great care
And quite frequently they
With no intention in mind
Make a mess in the house
For the failure to understand outside

And yet it is not really a failure
But lack in the way of the learn
For their to young to understand
And their nose must be rubbed in the turd

Young heart can be very hurt this way
For they like the puppy still learn
And to be hurt for what is childish play
The heart now wears as a scar that it's earned

And how many scars can a heart hold
Before it can bare love of no more
Then the child then grows to be to cold
When old enough to have the heart held as before