Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Were it not for your eyes my night would be star less
Sad for some but I have the light of your eyes
To keep me safe from gloom in the dark
To bask upon me in warm loving light

You beckon in my dreams not to tarry
For my lips have teased you all day
But it's only coz I love you alot
That I would play with you that way

A kiss of mine is your to find
I hid it on you in play
And don't look upon these lips of mine
For they've been sworn to secrecy to not say

OK A little clue I will give you
It's backwards of what would be the normal way
And no don't start it's not your heart
Just look for the words show the way

And if you don't find it by tomorrow
I'll show you were I stashed OK
And give you a fresh one
On which your lips to play