Sunday, April 27, 2008

I compare no love to you
For it's not there to be found
No wing has ever taken flight with mine
To the heights that yours do now

My minds thought long talk with you
No reach to hold my hand
Dangled fingers love strung through
Side by side to talk the walk of man

Large thought not small of child
Has held no answer for me to view
For thought has only walked with small
And never the heights you've taken me to

No dance of love
Has this mind memory of
To dance as I have with you
Nor volume of it's magnitude

How strange to think
That I could see love as more
Than the largest that I ever would view
With no compromise to ensue

How does one compare
A mountain to a hill
Lest one mounts the climb
For the heights that one will find

Your sing makes me merry
As I hope mine finds in you
And your mind walk is not weary
And keeps up with mine to

And yet in all the above
Your spirit understands that love
Is a most precious of find
To be held from harm
For lack of it's kind