Sunday, April 27, 2008

I know where that mountain is Heart
It lies deep in the valley of the mind
It has an extremely steep slope
And it takes a lot of courage to climb
Because you have to be honest with yourself
And you have to have integrity
To stand behind the truth of what you find
Other wise you've climbed it for nothing
That's why I'm different isn't it
Because I did make that climb
I'm not a manikin that has been dressed by society
And I'm definitely not made of the popular point of view
My goodness I just never realized how really different I am and why
Light bulb moment
That's the attraction? lol I would have never thought of that as the answer
It does go against societies norm to actually even think it
I always really wondered what the draw was
It does have some sort of power base though
Men are very drawn to it and never want to leave it
And that is my own personal experience of it
If it's not something you believe in you can't carry it either
What an interesting angle to ponder
Oh no wonder lol duh