Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Through the Looking Glass: Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Actions do speak louder than words,
It's time to end the game.
For the sake of all of our children

With that said, the DNA of global financial markets has changed. While the stateside averages are higher, the measuring stick (greenback) is lower, a fact not lost on foreign holders of dollar denominated assets. While they're swallowing austerity measures and digesting upward taxation, they look across the pond to see more "extend and pretend" by our elected leaders. And you wonder why social mood is shifting so quickly? (See: Will QE2 Trigger War Games?)

At the end of the day, we must ask ourselves an honest question: If the capital markets need an IV drip from the government to stay afloat -- or if the financial industry remains one FASB 187 accounting change away from technical insolvency -- how will that dormant toxicity and ever-expanding largesse manifest as we edge ahead?

We can only assess the forward spectrum and proactively position for what’s to come.