Thursday, December 2, 2010

Proof that Homeland Security is just an expensive joke!

Gee, one would have thought that checking credentials would have been one of the first security options utilized.
But there ain't no money in it, so Homeland Security hasn't bothered to do it.
How much of a big fucken bogus joke has that department become?
Are the borders secure yet?....fuck NO!
Is your water supply...........fuck NO!
Are your nuclear power plants..fuck NO!
The power grid?
I could go on, but I think you get my point!
So exactly what is secure, besides buying the stock for companies in the security sector?

Warning: "Improvident" language.

Ten years on from 9/11 (almost) we now have this:

Each and every one of 197 airlines that fly to or through the United States will now collect and share passenger information with the government to be checked against terror watch lists.

The Obama administration announced Tuesday the names, genders and birth dates of all passengers will be gathered and checked before the planes fly into the U.S.
Absolutely. We couldn't bother to do it before. We certainly couldn't bother to do it within a week after 9/11, nor a month, nor a year.

Instead we spent billions of dollars buying worthless virtual strip-search machines so Chertoff and his pals could get rich, when we have had databases of people who are threats to America in the form of terrorism for decades, and the technology to match that data in real time has been around commercially for more than 20 years.

If Google can "fuzzy match" things and give you a search, and they both do and have, there's no excuse for this taking a decade except for one:

Intentional and willful blindness.

Just like your government did such a great job interdicting the 9/11 hijackers who were here illegally on expired VISAs, or the shoe bomber and underwear bomber - both of whom boarded planes outside The United States.

Oh, and again: Who was the "well-dressed man" who walked the underwear bomber onto the plane without him having to present valid credentials for travel into The United States and how did that flight get cleared into US airspace with a passenger manifest that included someone on board without a valid passport associated with their name?

I'm gonna keep asking until someone answers the question folks.

Security my ass. This, like everything else we're doing these days, is all about stealing from Americans to enrich a handful of people - in this case Chertoff and his pals.

**** you Big Sis.