Friday, December 3, 2010

Jobs Report (See I Told You So!)

And this my friends is why I offer up to you, Karl on a daily basis.
I'm not educated enough to understand the whys and whats of the spin that these reports are written in.
Karl is.
I bow to the master, because I want you to understand that the simplified truth of their version, is bullshit!
"WE" can't afford not to understand exactly what they're doing when they're manipulating these reports.
Because what's in these reports show the full truth of just how loud "OUR" death rattle actually is.

(Incidentally, someone needs to explain to these clowns that a dollar collapse that comes with a stock market collapse at the same time is a situation the monetary authorities cannot arrest with more "money printing", as that will simply tighten the spiral. I have warned of this risk for more than a year - God help us if it becomes realized.)

Those who follow me know that I pay almost no attention to the "headline" numbers in the report though. Why? Because they're full of hopium and BS. Instead, I look to the household survey, which is an actual count. What do we find there this month?

In a word: NASTY.

185,000 people were added to the working-age population (238530 to 238715). But the employed number actually fell by 334,000 people (139749 to 139415), which means that on an employed rate basis over 500,000 jobs were lost.

The claimed "improvement" was all adjustments - to the tune of 360,000 alleged jobs that households reported didn't exist!