Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Deal Struck on Tax Package


Lol is the social security reduction being proposed to hide the huge jump in withholding taxes on 2011, which by the way have absolutely nothing to do with Bush's tax cuts.
Me thinks it is.
And what's up with borrowing more to extend the unemployment extension?
Here's a better idea, use that 62 billion to replace the manufacturing base that the United States no longer has.
That idea would actually put people permanently back to work.
Will they do it?
Hell no it makes to much sense.

The payroll-tax reduction under discussion now would cut the 6.2% Social Security tax levied on a worker's wages to 4.2%. A worker making $40,000 a year would save $800, and some economists say that could help stimulate demand at a time when the economy remains relatively weak.