Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Jon Stewart Destroys Bernanke In Four Minutes

Thanks for the laugh of the day Karl.

It not only the truth on the running of the financial system, but it also gives a pretty good look at what "our" so called "Law and Order" system looks like.
And at this point, I can't surmise anything, but bought.
Where is the FBI?
Where is the Attorney General?
He's looking into Wiki, who leaked without a condom.
Personally I think he's a plant, the big look away,and if that doesn't get your attention, they're pushing the ET thing again.
They do NOT want you to look at what is happening in the Financial world, and will spin anything to draw your attention away from it.
The whole Financial system has lost any shred of credibility it had.
It's now become a big joke and John proves it right out of Bernanke's own mouth.
The banks lying, cheating, and stealing,as well as their arrogance about doing it, for rewarding themselves for cheating not only "You" the taxpayer
but 'You" the consumer and "OUR" government paves the way for them to do it.
Non acceptable kids
This is not a look away moment.
This is the time to understand.
"WE" DO NOT have to accept this shameful excuse for a system.
It's not "OUR" system, it's their crapped out interpretation.
See, this is why I don't play games.
Because people cheat and when you catch them you have a choice to make.
You either stay silent and play on,
Or you call them on their crap, and end the game.
It's time to end the game
"OUR" country depends on it.
They do know what they're doing.
It's called stripping this country dry
Right in front of your face.
If not the FBI, would have already moved in.