Thursday, December 2, 2010

Delaying Tax Vote Could Crash Stock Market

Quote from a comment made by DoneAlready of FL.
Because it just feels right, and I can relate to how they feel.
Please scroll down and read the rest of it.
It's really quite powerful and really reflects the majority's voice in this country.
The fact that "We're" all over it.
The corruption, and all about them attitude has thrown the balance of "OUR" national well being, way past the edge of the cliff,
And any second now "We're going to plummet, because "We're" running on air without a solid ground beneath us.
And now they want to back the IMF's plan for "US" to help pay for Europe's problems again.
Yeah "WE" done already did that, in regards to their float fund. You know the cloud that catches the country before it falls, and now they want more.
Little Timmy is honorary governor of the IMF, as well as "OUR' Treasurer
Can you see a conflict of interest wider than the grand canyon here?
It's long time past to say fuck the banks and their interests and fuck Wall Street to.
Holding them up, by allowing them to standing on "OUR" submerged head is suicide.
Except "WE" didn't make the decision to commit suicide, it was made for "US" and imposed upon "US" by those that have the most to gain by it.
Let the muther fucker crash, it doesn't affect "US" anyway other than to pick up their tab, while the rest of "US" do without.

Our founding fathers were all about pump and dump you know.

Go ahead and take that nickle and watch what happens. The flame that is lit might be just the spark that is needed to burn the whole thing down. Use it to buy a plane ticket out of here and let us rebuild a better society, rid of you.