Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Senate votes 96-0 to audit Fed


Oh not a complete audit lol, that might actually show you why this calamity started in the first place.
The FED only wants to show you what they did to fix it because there is a built in excuse, that they had to do everything and anything to keep floating this dead fish of a financial system.
No crime here, WE just didn't know.......right lol

The Senate voted 96 to 0 Tuesday to open the secretive Federal Reserve Board's emergency lending practices to a congressional audit, as well as require a detailed disclosure of who's getting the funds.

"We are on the verge of lifting the veil of secrecy on perhaps the most important government agency in the United States of America,” said amendment sponsor Sen. Bernard Sanders, Ind.-Vt., "an agency which has control and spends trillions of dollars. They do it behind closed doors."

Under the plan, Congress' Government Accountability Office would conduct "a top to bottom audit of all the Federal Reserve's emergency activities" since the economic crisis began in December, 2007. In addition, the Fed would have to put on its web site all recipients of money from than $2 trillion in emergency aid that the Fed has dispersed since then.

The audit is the Senate's latest change to legislation that would overhaul the nation's financial regulatory system, making it easier for the government to break up ailing banks and provide a strong, independent consumer agency to help people with credit questions and problems.

Read more: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2010/05/11/93918/96-0-vote-congress-opens-federal.html#ixzz0ndxumYSM