Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Giant box could be key to bottling Gulf oil spill

It's time for prayers kids, we need all the positive energy we can get, because if we don't get this spill contained the oceanic consequences are to huge to fathom.

In their worst-case scenario, BP executives told members of a congressional committee that up to 2.5 million gallons a day could spill if the leaks worsened, though it would be more like 1.7 million gallons. In an exploration plan filed with the government in February 2009, BP said it could handle a "worst-case scenario" it described as a leak of 6.8 million gallons per day from an uncontrolled blowout.

Containment boxes have never been tried at this depth - about 5,000 feet - because of the extreme water pressure. If all goes well, the contraption could be fired up early next week to start funneling the oil into a tanker.

"We don't know for sure" whether the equipment will work, Salvin said. "What we do know is that we have done extensive engineering and modeling and we believe this gives us the best chance to contain the oil, and that's very important to us."