Thursday, May 6, 2010

Obama signs law to give help to miltary caregivers

Where o where is this money going to come from now?
Just how much of a joke does this new signed law with it's massive implications for new monetary outlay make Obama's Deficit crisis team? You know the same one that says, EVERYTHING is on the table to be cut because it's a matter of national security to bring the federal deficit down.

Wade emerged from his coma, but with a traumatic brain injury. His wife, Sarah, became his main caregiver. She eventually had to leave school and her job to care for him, and she began fighting for more attention both for Ted and other family caregivers.

"Needless to say, the long term financial challenges faced by the care providers of our severely injured service members are daunting," she testified to Congress in September 2007.

The couple became regular visitors to Capitol Hill, meeting with legislative staff and speaking repeatedly in congressional testimony. Among the offices they visited regularly was that of Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., who was at the signing ceremony Wednesday.

A year ago, Sarah Wade told Congress that it should do more to coordinate the care for veterans with traumatic brain injury. On Wednesday afternoon, the Wades watched as Obama signed the bill into law at the White House.

"These caregivers put their own lives on hold, their own careers and dreams aside, to care for a loved one," Obama said in his remarks.

"They do it every day, often around the clock. As Sarah can tell you, it's hard physically and it's hard emotionally."

The law sets up new training and certification for the family caregivers, access to ongoing support services, counseling and mental health services, respite care, medical care and a monthly personal caregiver allowance.

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