Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Salary dispute holds up "Twilight 5" announcement


Yeah I know not my usual, but I had to just to show you how much
Greed kills.
The "little kid" is now the big 13 and this is her scene. She's read them all, seen the movies and bought the videos and I can tell you for a fact it is not because of the main characters. She is fanatical about the secondaries, should the studio choose to decide not to include them in the new productions, I seriously doubt she will spend her hard earned cash, on what would promise for her, to be a huge disappointment.
She's just an average kid with average friends that feel the same way.
Bella is looked upon as an over emotional emo, that has to be tolerated for the sake of their viewing pleasure.
Mother's intuition tells me that if Summit Entertainment wishes the Twilight series to remain a blockbuster, they will leave the "Cullen kids" alone, and just pay the higher cost.

The studio behind the "Twilight" feature franchise is working furiously to close the talent deals required to split Stephenie Meyer's fourth novel in the vampire series into two films.

But an unlikely roadblock is holding up an announcement -- and could even lead to cast changes for the series' final installment.

Summit Entertainment is close to finalizing agreements with leads Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner, all of whom will get big raises to return for a fifth installment of the vampire romance saga. And director Bill Condon is already signed to film two "Breaking Dawn" movies, which would be shot back-to-back starting in the fall and released in November 2011 and summer 2012, respectively.

But Summit is having a harder time locking in some of the franchise's secondary characters. Deals for Peter Facinelli (who plays Carlisle Cullen) and Billy Burke (Bella's father, Charlie Swan) are done, but sources say the actors who play the Cullen kids (especially Kellan Lutz and Ashley Greene) are trying to sink their teeth into bigger paydays that the studio is so far unwilling to provide.

"We may have a situation where one of them is thrown out on the street to make a point," says a source close to the dealmaking.

So are we headed for a recasting on the final "Twilight"?