Tuesday, May 11, 2010

4 Big Banks Score Perfect 61-Day Run


Wow what are the odds of this happening to 1 bank let alone 4.
Lol, glad you asked because Karl has done a little of that odd figuring for us.
And his findings are rather odd to say the least, and throw an enormous spotlight
on what it takes to beat those odds.


It is the Wall Street equivalent of a perfect game of baseball — 27 up, 27 down, the final score measured in millions of dollars a day.

Despite the running unease in world markets, four giants of American finance managed to make money from trading every single day during the first three months of the year.

Their remarkable 61-day streak is one for the record books. Perfect trading quarters on Wall Street are about as rare as perfect games in Major League Baseball. On Sunday, Dallas Braden of the Oakland Athletics pitched what was only the 19th perfect game in baseball history.

But Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase & Company produced the equivalent of four perfect games during the first quarter. Each one finished the period without losing money for even one day.