Friday, September 14, 2012

EU working on consumer labels for Israeli settlement products

I think the world is very tired of the "rigged" game that Israel plays and is not accepting it any longer.

Denmark is fronting an EU initiative to help consumers boycott Israeli settlement products.

Its foreign ministry is funding an event in Brussels on 23 October to get EU diplomats and NGOs, such as Oxfam and Crisis Action, talking about EU-level guidelines for consumer labels on settlement goods.

The move comes after EU foreign ministers in May said they will "fully and effectively implement existing EU legislation" on the subject.

The EU says settlements are illegal. But its regular complaints about settlement expansion fall on deaf ears.

"The [October] workshop is designed to put the issue back on the agenda and to put action behind the words of the May conclusions ... We want to make it easier for consumers to vote with their wallet," a Danish diplomat told EUobserver.

France, Finland,