Monday, September 10, 2012

AP Exclusive: Memos show US hushed up Soviet crime

And here is another fine example of the ineptitude of MSM journalism.
AP shame on you! For not stepping a little farther back into history.
How does one blame this on the Russians?
This little ditty is a continued part of the Jewish Bolsheviks reign of terror.
Did you even try fact check to see who Genrikh Yagoda was and what he and his Jewish henchmen did? Why I believe it was to set up and establish the Gulags in Russia and imprisoned all the Christians there, and then after he fell out with Stalin and was executed in 1936, this nasty little midget, so named named affectionately Yezhov, the "bloodthirsty dwarf" took his place and the blood lust continued by the little "purge" pusher himself.
Do you know who Alexander Solzhenitsyn is? Well he asserts and I have no reason not to believe him that from 1917 until well after WWII, the Bolsheviks (who were Jews by the way, fully funded by the Rothschilds)) were responsible for the killing of 66 million Russians. In 1937-1938 the little "purge pusher" made sure that all of the old school Soviet Military leaders were tried and either executed or sent to the Gulags.
So who was really responsible for the mass execution of the Polish "elite" in Katyn Forrest? It definitely has a Jewish flavor all over it to me.
Do you know after WWII where the Russian soldiers went back to? The Gulags and I'm pretty sure, it wasn't by choice. The influence of the Bolsheviks were still pushing the issue.
The Bolshevik's massacre of the Russians, make WWII look like a pathetic joke.
Don't believe me?
Do your own DD, like I did, just don't be force fed, the BS, of a very poorly put together article that only surface skims the actuality of what really happened.
Hearsay IS NOT history, facts are!

WARSAW, Poland (AP) — The American POWs sent secret coded messages to Washington with news of a Soviet atrocity: In 1943 they saw rows of corpses in an advanced state of decay in the Katyn forest, on the western edge of Russia, proof that the killers could not have been the Nazis who had only recently occupied the area.

The testimony about the infamous massacre of Polish officers might have lessened the tragic fate that befell Poland under the Soviets, some scholars believe. Instead, it mysteriously vanished into the heart of American power. The long-held suspicion is that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt didn't want to anger Josef Stalin, an ally whom the Americans were counting on to defeat Germany and Japan during World War II.

Documents released Monday and seen in advance by The Associated Press lend weight to the belief that suppression within the highest levels of the U.S. government helped cover up Soviet guilt in the killing of some 22,000 Polish officers and other prisoners in the Katyn forest and other locations in 1940.

The evidence is among about 1,000 pages of newly declassified documents that the United States National Archives is releasing Monday and putting online. Historians who saw the material days before