Monday, September 17, 2012

Breaking the Silence

In the "world of make believe" there comes a time when "WE" ALL must understand,
that life in the "REAL WORLD" must be seen and understood for what it is.

I can't pick up the article so please hit the link and scroll down. On the right hand side there are pictures, but more important are the captions underneath, describing the daily life of a Palestinian by an Israeli soldier and how his thoughts were formed into being.

"Breaking the silence shows..."

... private photos taken by Israeli soldiers in the occupied territories. Candid snapshots give an idea of the harassment Palestinians suffer daily and the stark reality of the soldiers' lives. The exhibition, curated by the Israeli NGO Breaking the Silence, opened on Thursday in Berlin as part of its tour of European capitals. The captions stem from soldiers' testimonies to the group of veterans.
This is a caption that describes an Israeli soldiers understanding that wrong is NEVER right.

"They themselves didn't go through a Holocaust...

but I'm sure that some of them are from families that survived the Holocaust. If they're capable of writing on the Arab's doors 'Arabs Out' or 'Death to the Arabs,' and drawing a Star of David, which to me is like a swastika when they draw it like that, then somehow the term Jew has changed a little for me with regard to who's a Jew."