Thursday, September 30, 2010

Why Be A Market Maker When You Can Just Be A HFT Scalper?

The average American needs to be fully aware of just how rigged the Wall Street range is.
My advice keep your money in your pocket and don't even go there, you have better odds of winning in Vegas.

The cannibalization of profits courtesy of HFT means very soon everyone will be an HFT! And when that happens, virtually everyone will be on the same side of the trade, until there is a regime change and everyone rushes to the other side, which according to many is precisely what happened on May 6, when the market went bidless. So yes, this is exactly what will happen once again, as more and more of Wall Street realizes that this last loophole to eeking out a few extra pennies per trade is the only place to be. What happens next is anyone's guess, although as the following guest post from Wall St. Cheat Sheet explains, it won't be pretty.