Friday, September 24, 2010

Buffett to taxpayers: Get over your anger

Well Warren, I suppose "WE" would get over it, if companies like yours (Wells Fargo) weren't benefiting from all those necessary measures that the government is plying, and that the "Taxpayer" is responsible for paying back.
You see it as a recession Warren, just a little setback for the timing of your game plans, but the average American views it as a depression, with little or no hope at all of climbing back out of.
Warren why don't you help alay America's fears and give all your worldly gain to help pay off the National Debt?
Maybe then the country could start to "Get over it"

Taxpayer anger against President Barack Obama and Congress is counterproductive because policy makers took measures including deficit spending to stimulate the economy, billionaire investor Warren Buffett told CNBC.

“Sentiment has turned very sour in the last three or four or five months,” the chairman and CEO of Omaha-based Berkshire Hathaway Inc. said in an interview broadcast Thursday.

“I hope we get over it pretty soon, because it’s not productive,’’ Buffett said. “We will come back regardless of how people feel about Washington, but it is not helpful to have people as unhappy as they are about what’s going on in Washington.”