Monday, September 27, 2010

Middle finger marble sculpture sparks row in Milan

Dear Mr. Maurizio Cattelan, the "taxpayers" of America were wondering if "WE" could borrow your sculpture after it's run date for the Milan Stock Exchange expires.
The message that it extends needs no explanation and "WE" have many places for displaying it, so that "the cream of the elite" could see and understand just how
"WE" feel about the path that their course of expedition has placed us upon.
Some of us feel that our objections have not been properly heard, and really feel that having your sculpture on display would add an exceptional volume to our voice, that could not be obviously missed.
Thank you for your kind consideration, as I'm sure that "WE" are not the only country asking to display this fine work of art.

A marble sculpture of a cut-off hand with the middle finger stuck up has gone on display in front of the Milan Stock Exchange, provoking a row between politicians and intellectuals