Thursday, September 30, 2010

BP contactor Drilling for oil on Alabama beaches

oops, looks like they found some of that oil that went missing.

ORANGE BEACH – Drilling for oil on Alabama beaches. “We’re looking for sub surface oil,” says team leader Jason Howes with Polaris Applied Sciences. His team is drilling for oil and finding it.

“We start at the low water line and work up beyond the high tide line into the back shore. Over the crest of the berm is where we find some real thick accumulations,” says Howes.

Curiosity got the best of a family vacationing from Kentucky. “We were just wondering what in the world they were doing and they were cordial [possibly 'core drilling'] and were trying to find out how deep the oil had gone.” At first glance Jimmy Blackwell says he would not think there was any oil here. “You walk out here and you wouldn’t have no idea what’s going on. You think yeah theres a few tar balls on the edge of the water but after seeing the core drill oh yeah that was about a foot down. I’m amazed.” …