Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Oil spill visits get partisan

So now not even government is allowed to see the Gulf damage?
This is gettin a little freaky kids.
I don't accept the excuse that it's denied over travel funding, that's about as bogus as they come.
How many people went to Copernhagen last year? How many people does Obama travel with?
Nancy still has access to her private plane as far as I know, but now they can't find money so Congress can go and view the damage from the offshore oil well blowout themselves.

Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) wanted to fly 10 lawmakers down to the Gulf of Mexico to see the damage caused by BP’s gigantic oil spill first hand.

House Democrats said no.

Scalise’s trip was rejected for a variety of bureaucratic and logistical reasons, but it has also opened a new vein of partisan squabbling over who should be allowed to arrange a trip to view the impact of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

Scalise wants to organize a trip so lawmakers can fully grasp the impact before they vote on oil drilling regulations. And he doesn't want to do it through a committee, because the members don't fit neatly into specific panels — they stretch across committee, and even partisan, lines.

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