Friday, June 25, 2010

Cop Fired for Putting Paper Bag on Perp's Head

So now we treat all criminals as if they were terror detainees?
What's up with the hood and when did it become a standard use?

The incident that got him fired happened Nov. 1, when a man, Gerald Feldhaus, was arrested outside Yolo Restaurant on Las Olas for trespassing and resisting arrest.

"He was spitting and screaming as he would look and yell at other people," Wezkiewicz told investigators.

Rather than use a department-issued hood designed specifically for prisoner control, Wezkiewicz used a brown paper bag.

"Poor judgment prevailed concerning his decision to utilize a brown paper bag," Capt. Rick Maglione wrote in a report on the incident.

Claiming Wezkiewicz "shed a negative light" on the department, the report said using the hood instead would not "be falsely perceived as an attempt to humiliate an individual."