Wednesday, June 9, 2010

AP Exclusive: Scuba Diving in the Gulf Oil Spill
It's a sad day that the lies of BP are even allowed to still be presented as the truth.
Why are no fly overs allowed, because it would prove NOAA right and BP is still trying to save face.
The American public and the rest of the world have the right to know the full scope of this catastrophe.

BP contradicts government claim on oil plumes
Company's COO says apparent differences may be due to semantics

BP’s chief operating officer Doug Suttles denied reports of underwater plumes of oil Wednesday, one day after government scientists confirmed the existence of oil beneath the surface of the Gulf of Mexico.

"We haven’t found any large concentrations of oil under the sea. To my knowledge, no one has," Suttles said on NBC News’ TODAY show.

On Tuesday, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said its researchers found subsurface oil as far as 142 miles from the leaking Gulf well. It was the first government confirmation of undersea oil near BP's blown-out well a mile beneath the ocean.