Friday, March 12, 2010

Help Holly

How can the responsible look away? And yet they do!

UK, March 11, 2010 (Pal Telegraph) - The case of Hollie Greig really did open a can of worms and even to this day it is what the media would call a "Scoop". It reveals the evil working of a pedophilia ring that stretches all the way to the highest authority. The pain and suffering by this girl started when she was only six years old and continued on for fourteen years.

Her mum Anne gave a graphic account of what her daughter had been through when she was interviewed by Manchester Radio Online. You can hear the 13 part series about Hollie on the following link:

So why is this story not reaching the media in the UK and who is behind this gagging. It all comes down to Elish Angiolini who has gagged the Scottish mainstream media from publishing anything about the Hollie Greign case. This is enforced through her Glasgow based Lawyer, Peter Watson of Levy & Macrae.

UK Official Contacts Paul Drockton: "No D-Notices Against Pedophile Exposure"

No silence can only mean that Holly's case will finally recieve the attention that it's due and actually be investigated.
"I wish to make it clear that there is absolutely no truth in the statement... that the 'Blair government…issued a D-Notice to gag the press from revealing the names of known paedophiles within the British executive'. No 'D Notice' advice has ever been issued in connection either with the Hollie Greig case or the naming of paedophiles, as these issues fall far outside Defence Advisory Notice concerns. Those cocerns deal only with the disclosure of national security information which falls within the guidelines set by the five Standing DA Notices (see Moreover, the Government does not issue 'D Notices', I do. And I do so on behalf of the Defence Press and Broadcasting Advisory Committee, which is an independent body composed of senior officials and media leaders, the latter being in the great majority."


Andrew Vallance
Air Vice-Marshal
Secretary, DPBAC