Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Healthcare reform


Sometimes there can be no miracle and the inevitable must be accepted. For the sake of our nation this issue must be addressed for exactly what it is. Financial responsibility, because hope can't fix everything, even though we wish it could.

FLINT, Mich. — Carol Y. Vliet’s cancer returned with a fury last summer, the tumors metastasizing to her brain, liver, kidneys and throat.

That's very bad, by the way.

As she began a punishing regimen of chemotherapy and radiation, Mrs. Vliet found a measure of comfort in her monthly appointments with her primary care physician, Dr. Saed J. Sahouri, who had been monitoring her health for nearly two years.

She was devastated, therefore, when Dr. Sahouri informed her a few months later that he could no longer see her because, like a growing number of doctors, he had stopped taking patients with Medicaid.

For what purpose was she being put through Chemo and Radiation "therapy"?

Look, I don't mean to sound callous, but there are times we must be objective. This is one of them.