Monday, March 29, 2010

down’s syndrome woman names paedophile ring

Note the date please, just exactly how long does it take for "due course"
It is now 2010 and the Crown Office has done NOTHING to pursue or investigate the Grampian Police who it's stated to have been involved, meaning that one can only assume that paedophilia is seen as nothing more than a nuisance misdemeanor rather than the felony it is, and doesn't deserve a proper inquiry.
The question is has the Crown Office taken that same committed stance, of to overlook rather than to investigate, in regards to the Vatican's paedophilia plight?

Published: 18/11/2009

Anne Greig with daughter Hollie when she was a youngster
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Grampian Police have reinterviewed a disabled woman who claims she was abused as a child by an Aberdeen paedo-phile ring which included a senior police officer and a leading Scottish sheriff.

No charges have ever been brought, although Hollie received £13,500 compensation from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority in April this year.

A Crown Office spokes-woman said late last night: "We have not received any report from the police.

“If we do receive a report it will be carefully considered in due course."