Friday, February 6, 2009

Leon Panetta same ole same ole

President Barack Obama has prohibited harsh interrogation techniques
And yet Leon Panetta, Obama's choice for director of the CIA has voiced the position that the CIA interrogators should not be prosecuted for the use of water boarding and other illegal techniques under the Bush regime
One hand washes the other and Mr Obama is no exception to that rule, the proof is in the pudding for the simple fact that no one will be held accountable for the deliberate violations of the Geneva Convention.

President Barack Obama's nominee to lead the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was paid more than $700,000 last year by businesses including struggling US banks bailed out by billions of dollars of taxpayers' money.

The revelations about Leon Panetta's finances highlight the difficulty the new administration faces in finding experienced advisers that do not violate the President's ban on hiring lobbyists.

It is also another embarrassment for President Obama after two Cabinet nominees, Tom Daschle and Nancy Killefer, withdrew this week because of disclosures that they had failed to pay federal taxes.