Friday, February 13, 2009

And in the end the children will pay in more ways than one, for the greed conscience construction of this economic melt down. Shorter school weeks to alleviate school budget deficits can only mean longer days for our nations children, who are already being drugged into submission at the slightest suggestion of wiggle- worm- itis.
This can only be seen as another feather in the cap of Pharma, because the average school day will now have to be made 2 hours longer to make up for the missing day every week for the required yearly quota of time that a child must attend school mandated by our state and federal government.
In this day and age of all day kindergarten, even the most well behaved child will start to squirm with the addition of those extra hours. Teachers already frazzle by their own lack of abilities to control a classroom full of students, will now have a further excuse to label a child with learning disabilities causing the parents to shuffle off their child to their pediatrician for that coveted prescription to keep their child in the perpetual state of zombism that those teacher find so easy to control and yet does absolutely nothing for the child's achievement score.