Monday, April 27, 2020

Judge Issues Restraining Order Exempting Downstate Lawmaker From Pritzker’s Stay-at-Home Order

The key word is might.....
Why does it seem only the democrat run states are pushing to continue a forced locked down for all?
And how much of a coincidence is it that they all need a bailout from the federal government concerning their own inability to pay their states liabilities?
Perhaps if they think they can pass of the deception of their inability to pay their own bills onto a virus that just hasn't been around long enough to garner that kind of problem

The ruling comes after Republican State Rep. Darren Bailey of Xenia filed a lawsuit in Clay County Circuit Court claiming Pritzker has exceeded his authority and is violating the civil rights of the state’s residents. Pritzker on Thursday extended his stay-at-home order through May 30 as the highly contagious COVID-19 continued to infect thousands in the state.
"Enough is enough!" Bailey said in a statement. "I filed this lawsuit on behalf of myself and my constituents who are ready to go back to work and resume a normal life.”
Pritzker said he plans to issue new public health directives until the suit is resolved.
"Representative Bailey’s decision to go to the courts is an insult to all Illinoisans who have been lost during this COVID-19 crisis. It’s a danger to millions of people who might get ill because