Monday, April 27, 2020

'I am all in': Howard Stern throws his support behind Biden for president

Howard Stern is truly showing how much he loves America, by promoting a dementia victim to be your next president
What a sick son of a bitch is all I can say, and I'm not talking about Joe right now

Radio shock jock Howard Stern endorsed presumed Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden after a Trump supporter defended the president’s comments about disinfectant.
Stern said he was “all in” for Biden on his SiriusXM show Monday, expressing surprise that anyone could defend President Trump’s musings about injections of disinfectant being used as a potential treatment for COVID-19.
“What's it going to take? I don't get it,” Stern said about Trump’s remarks. “I don't think there is anyone left who will vote for him.”
“I am all in on Joe Biden,” the shock jock later said. “You see the wall that's right next to you, I'll vote for the wall over a guy who tells me that I should pour Clorox into my mouth. Listen, I think we are in deep shit. I think we could have been ahead of this curve.”
“Hold a big rally, say f--- this coronavirus, with all of his followers, and let them all hug each other and kiss each other and have a big rally,” Stern said, adding that they could all take disinfectant and “drop dead.”